The Advanced Course

Discover, unequivocally, who you are and what you want

5 Days You’ll Never Forget

Second Part of the Transformational Trilogy

The Self-Mastery Advanced Course is open to anyone who has completed the Basic Course. It’s a phenomenal, once-in-a-lifetime experience designed for those who are committed to permanent change in their lives. This is the course where you break through all the barriers that are in the way of your own personal power.

Transformation is a step-by-step process. The Basic course is the first step. The Basic Course is about BEING. The Advanced Course is about BEING, DOING and HAVING instant results.

You will discover how to have real BREAKTHROUGH in the following areas and much, much more!

  • Clean up, deepen and recharge all your relationships (with yourself with others). 

  • Release fears and move right through them—Accomplish the unbelievable!

  • Teamwork—give and receive support in every way possible.

  • Make a significant difference in your home, community, and world.

  • Accountability (no more Victim - ever!) Experience your unlimited power.

  • Take ACTION on affecting the changes you want to see in all aspects of your life.

  • Cause exceptional results (beyond your present belief of what is possible.

  • Release and honor the Past, celebrate the Present and invent the Future in profound ways—no limits.

  • Learn how to create abundance from nothing.

  • Discover WHO YOU ARE—Re-invent yourself and be authentically YOU!!


Stretch your mind beyond “reasonable”, expand your heart to fearlessly give, receive without boundaries, enrich your spirit and soar to new heights of freedom and joy.

The Course Schedule

March 26 - 30, 2025

Wednesday, Mar 26 | 9:00am - Sunday, Mar 30 | 7:00pm

September 10 - 14, 2025

Wednesday, Sept 10 | 9:00am - Sunday, Sept 14 | 7:00pm

Breakthrough is…

Powerful, Permanent Change

"Over the last five years of my life, I thought I had experienced a lot of growth. However, during the five days in the Advanced Course, I realized I had only scratched the surface. Now I am so much more aware of my unconscious thinking and how it held me back. I had no idea how disconnected and complacent I had become. I am excited to continue stretching towards the person I know I am, an empowered, vulnerable, loving woman. Look out world, here I come!"

- Melanie Reilly

"After the Basic and Advanced courses, I feel as though I am seeing clearly for the first time in my life.

My eyes and heart have been opened to a beautiful and profound secret that was inside me all along but had been obscured. In the depths of my being, I exchanged fear for trust and heartache for joy. I know now that my life and the path ahead hold exponentially more promise and abundance than I ever thought possible!"

- Sarah Pierce

"Having gone through the Basic course twice, as well as several corporate courses with Martha, I expected the Advanced Course to be a terrific experience well worth the time and investment. I underestimated it by orders of magnitude. It was beyond anything I could have imagined - A truly transformational experience that finally brought it all together. The course entirely reframed my approach to life, relationships and work. Most significant growth of my life, achieved in just five days."

- Eldar Causevic


  • The program begins Wednesday at 10am and ends Sunday at 5pm.

    You will need to be available the entire five days. We expect that you will not make any other plans during these five days, so make sure all of your responsibilities are completely handled – children, pets, plants, job, etc.

    Due to the experiential nature of the course, starting and ending times are unpredictable. Tell your family and friends not to expect to see you with any regularity. Please tell them not to worry about you … you’re fine—and getting finer every day!!

  • It’s a very intimate experience. There will be no more than 18 participants.

  • At Martha’s home about 15 minutes outside of Healdsburg, CA. You will receive the exact address after you enroll in the program.

    Check out the beautiful venue.

  • $1,495.00